Carpet Cleaning - Hot Water ExtractionThe hot water extraction method is all the rage when it comes to professional cleaning of carpets and upholstery. Industry experts and even fabric manufacturers agree that there is no better way to quickly and efficiently clean even the most troublesome areas. What makes this practice so sought-after, and how can you be sure your surfaces need it?
Why Hot Water Extraction Should Be Done By Professionals![]() With a little extra cash, you can buy your own hot water extraction machine. There's just one problem: it's never going to compare to anything that a professional would use, and you will more likely than not be wasting your money. There is no replacement for an industrial machine because of one simple factor that makes all the difference in the world: power.
Retail machines lack the juice to do the job, and that probably won't change for a while to come. To end any threat to the cleanliness of your fabrics, you'll need a machine powerful enough to count on it not leaving the tiniest trace of dirt or bacteria behind. This is also why retail or rental hot water extraction machines aren't all that effective at removing stains – they are unable to clean all the layers of the fabric. You should always opt for using a professional carpet cleaner with a truck-mounted hot water extraction machine. Lone Star Carpet Care is available to answer any questions you have about our truck-mounted carpet cleaning equipment as well as questions about our process and the eco-friendly chemicals that we use to professionally clean your carpets, tile and grout and upholstery. |